There are meeting rooms available for public use at the Troy Library and the Wathena Library. Maximum Capacity for either room is 49 people. If you are interested in reserving a meeting room, please contact the library at 1-833-542-3471.
Meeting Room Policy:
Library rooms and areas may be used for civic, cultural, or educational meetings of nonprofit organizations. Individual or business promotions or sales meetings are not allowed. Requests for meeting space and time must be made to the library director. The library reserves the right to deny use of meeting areas at any time to any group.
The Library will not provide bottled water, plastic ware (knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups), etc. You must provide these items for your meeting.
Procedures and Guidelines:
The person that signs up for the room is responsible for any clean-up and will be billed for any damage or extra cleaning fee. A staff member will check the room after the event to make sure the clean-up was satisfactory.
Purely social functions are allowed during regular business hours only. Group meetings may be scheduled after hours based on staff or volunteer availability. At the Troy Library, regular business hours are Mon-Thurs 9am-7pm, Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm. At the Wathena Library, regular business hours are Mon-Thurs 1pm-7pm, Fri 9am-12pm and 1pm-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm.
Alcohol will not be allowed, except upon prior approval by the library board and with the proper permits.
There is no charge for use of the meeting room, but donations are always accepted.