
Ages 13—17

From learning how to write poetry to gaming with friends, Library District 1, Doniphan County has a program for you.

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Bookish Websites And Blogs For Teens

Accelerated Reader –  Accelerated Reader is a website used to find books in your child’s reading level.
Book Central – Book reviews for teens.
Epic Reads  – Book reviews for teens.
Goodreads –  The world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.  Great for finding book series.
The Hub – The Hub is a teen collections blog for YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association.
No Flying No Nights – A graphic novel review site.
Novelist Plus
Underlined – If you like reading or writing, you should head on over to Underlined.

Helpful or Fun Sites

Campus Explorer – Information on colleges by major in the United States.
DMV Practice Test – Online practice driving test. 
Federal Student Information Assistance – Links to the FAFSA assistance form.
Kongreate – Online game site.
My Future – Provides information on career goals.
Roblox – Online game site. 
Unigo –  Information on college scholorships.