Library History and Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Library District # 1, Doniphan County enables people of all ages to improve their quality of life by providing information and enrichment through traditional resources and new technology.

History of the Library


In 1974 SLK (Seekers of Light and Knowledge) began work to establish a public library in Doniphan County. Doniphan was the only county in Kansas without a public library. The issue passed in 1975.

Troy library branch at 105 North Main opened in 1975.  A substantial renovation began in October 2014, and completion was celebrated in April 2018.

Elwood library branch at 410 North 9th occupies a historical building that once served as a segregated school. In the flood of 1993 the water came almost up to the ceiling, and all materials were destroyed, necessitating a major renovation.

Highland library branch was located in the Senior Center until in 2006, when the Smithton Masonic Lodge offered the use of the first floor of their two-story building at 306 West Main.

Wathena library branch began in the City Hall in 1976. In 2013, a generous donor set up a trust to benefit the library, enabling the Wathena branch to open in its new location at 401 St Joseph.

Honor sites were added in Bendena, Denton, Leona, Severance and White Cloud to serve the many communities of the county.